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New Hire: Regional Sales Manager

Chris Violanti

I have been working in technology sales for 30 years, and ATS is only my third job. I came from Dell Technologies where I worked as an Account Executive for 4 years MD SLG, and 8 years at Johns Hopkins. Currently, I am at ATS as the Regional Sales Manager, managing the outside sales teams.

Fun Fact

When I'm not working or with my wife and 2 daughters, I have competed in Ironman triathlons since 2011 and currently ranked top 10% in the world in my age group.....which is the old guys.

Favorite Restaurant

il Basilico Trattoria- not much to look at but authentic Grandma type Italian food

Favorite TV Show

Triple D (Diners, Drive-ins and Dives)

Weirdest Food I've Ever Eaten

Snails (the fancy call them escargot)

Can't Leave the House Without... My phone.

Super Power

Ability to change people. Why- People have lost the trait of caring and respecting one another. Would like to hammer that back into peoples DNA.



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